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Understand how the compounds in foods maintain our health, gut and wellbeing. While the term 'superfood' is debated we have extensive evidence on plant compounds and functional foods to be able to gain an insight into what foods assist in various dis-eases.
This evidence-based course will take in into a detailed exploration so you understand oxidative processes, inflammation and the influence of free radicals. You'll delve into the endogenous (naturally occurring in our body) antioxidants and what foods boost these, and look at the antioxidant compounds in food that help us fight illness. |
You will also gain an insight into how (and who) functional foods are classified, what makes them 'functional' and how they are found to support health. One of the newest areas of food nutrition is epigenetics which along with telomeres you'll take a closer look at. You'll learn how food can reduce our risk of inflammatory-based illness and support our healthy aging.
This course is ideal for those working in the nutrition, fitness or weight-loss industries and wanting to guide clients to better health through optimal nutrition. Ensure that when you work with clients on their eating habits you can assist them to choose the best nutrition for their needs. |
Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall
be thy food.
Use your life experiences to support others Our most popular program. Seven units spanning nutrition, psychology, coaching practices, physical and mental health and your choice of electives, this program is extremely flexible, highly supported and ideal for all walks of life. You will be referred to our dedicated website for this program. |
Gain a qualification and insurance to meal plan Four-unit program perfect for PTs, writers, bloggers, and those with a love of good eating who are looking to work with clients and their eating habits. Registration and insurance to cover you (AoN chat to your own insurer). Holds continuing education points for PTs. |
Holistic modalities explored and incorporated Holistic modalities explored and incorporated. Focused on holistic wellness coaching you'll explore techniques to support the whole person, life coaching style training, mental health and trauma awareness, Ayurveda, and extensive coaching practicum work. |
Niche in your area of women's wellbeing Niche in your area of women's wellbeing. Covering women's hormones, gut health, coaching practice, mental health and trauma awareness and more you'll be skilled in supporting women's wellness. Empower women to navigate their health and wellbeing challenges with confidence. |