"I want to help the deaf community to understand the importance of home cooking and eating nutritious foods"
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I became very passionate about whole foods quite early in life when I would cook for my mum. My father is a vegan, and mum loves home cooking. My family and neighbours let me help them grow vegetables, prepare and cook healthy dishes. I was inspired to follow the nutrition and health path several years ago when I was attending some amazing wellbeing services for myself, such as naturopaths, personal training, remedial massages, a dietician, as well as a variety of health food shops, farmers markets and local producers. When my mother asked me to move to live nearby and care for her, I had to give up my career. I studied cookery to become a chef so I could work with foods. When I obtained my chef qualification, I worked at several cafes and a bistro. The main issue was communication. Being deaf and the only one in those workplaces, I was either left in the food preparation area or made to repeatedly cook very simple foods. I found it difficult to communicate with the other staff because they do not sign Auslan. I felt that I was treated as a disadvantaged person in the industry. It did not feel like I was helping people but I worked as a servant which I didn’t feel comfortable with. After a short time work in the hospitality industry I fell depressed and withdrew from working in the hospitality industry. A friend suggested I do some online cooking classes on live stream, and that is how it lead me wanting to become a Nutrition & Health Coach since I usually talk about how, and why, the food I cook, is healthy. I started up Deaf Chef Ross in November 2017 so I have been focused on developing the website and resources, which are focused on preparing and cooking healthy dishes with the chef qualification I obtained. I added a service called Healthy Eating to help give deaf people ideas on healthy foods to improve their diets. I want to be able to coach the deaf community, as clients, in understanding the importance of home cooking and eating the nutritious foods instead of relying on processed and packaged foods, street foods, and candies. It will be awesome to have a deaf Nutrition and Health Coach signing fluent Auslan helping deaf people to make informed choices! Website: Deaf Chef Ross